Honours- An Ending & Beginning

It’s been some time since I have posted a thesis update- I’m not very good at keeping consistent with social media. But after having received my results on Friday, I decided it’s time to fill everyone in. Just an FYI- I got a High Distinction!!


It feels nice to be able to finally have an answer to this question. My thesis, titled Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing: Reframing Girlhood and Sexuality within Feminist Revisions of “Little Red Riding Hood,” is a comparative close-textual analysis which examines Angela Carter’s short story “The Company of Wolves” (1979) and a selection of Nikita Gill’s poems, “The Woods Reincarnated” (2018), “Little Red Riding Hood” (2017) and “The Red Wolf” (2018). The aim of this was to demonstrate the significant shift in contemporary feminist values seen in revisions of Little Red Riding Hood.

While I don’t wish to divulge too many details (as I intend on further research and publication one day), I’d like to highlight that my thesis took a distinct approach to the conceptualisation of “innocence.” I believe I hinted to this a lot in my previous post “Woods of Wildness and Wonder,” (which is also a chapter sub-heading in my thesis), where I questioned why innocence cannot be celebrated and freed from its patriarchal connotations. This was a major concern for me when I started reading revisions of Little Red Riding Hood, especially considering Perrault and Grimm’s preoccupation with sexual innocence in the more “traditional,” “original” versions. Through my thesis I wished to examine how gender and sexuality have been framed, re-produced and challenged within discussions of girlhood. Why can’t Little Red Riding Hood simply be a story about a girl going on an adventure in the woods? Why can’t her “wildness” and curiosity be celebrated and explored, instead of ending with her own violation and a focus on her “naivety” to perpetuate a moral message? So I wanted to really highlight this and showcase how feminist texts have responded (and importantly if they responded) to this.

So in a nutshell, more needs to be done- though that is not to discredit the incredible work that has already been produced. I would argue that feminist fairy tale revisions are essential and must continue to be written, scrutinised and celebrated. While we will never reach a state of perfection that pleases everyone, is it not exciting to continue adapting the old and creating new things?


To do an Honour’s degree in Literary Studies at Deakin University full-time, I had to complete four coursework units across two Trimesters. While my course was online this year due to a smaller cohort, I couldn’t have been more fortunate to have such an amazing group of peers and such supportive tutors, lecturers and supervisors. I was honestly disappointed when I first found out the course would be online- and don’t get me wrong, some weeks were extremely difficult with motivation, but I never would have met the amazing people from Burwood otherwise, and I never would have been guided by my fabulous supervisor. But for anyone wondering, when did the actual thesis writing happen if I had coursework… In my personal experience, a lot of the serious writing didn’t happen until the beginning of the second Trimester in July. So essentially, I had three months from July to October where I absolutely busted my ass to produce some decent work. Though I think this is normal? You tend to spend a lot of time reading, and then re-reading and taking notes and changing ideas in the first half of the year so by the time you do get to writing full sentences, a lot of the work is just slapping it all together in some kind of coherent mess. But boy did I feel it when crunch time came around.

Some days were hard. Very very hard. I am one who really struggles with procrastination, and perhaps an unhealthy dose of imposter syndrome. I am a ‘terrible’ writer, to be completely honest. I got so stuck on my first chapter, I had to put it aside for over a month. There wasn’t a single time until the very end (and I’m talking like last week or two) where I had one chapter/section completely polished and put aside. I was constantly working on everything simultaneously. I’d nut out a huge chunk of Chapter Three, and then come back to Chapter One only to realise I had to re-write nearly the entirety of Chapter Two. I wish I could say I was exaggerating, but this was genuinely my process (I probably wouldn’t recommend it, and I’m working on getting better). The one thing I have to show for all of this though, is that I genuinely care. Beneath my lack of motivation I care deeply. Not just about how my writing sounds and how polished it is, but the content. I truly believed in the significance of my project, which made it only the more difficult to write and capture. I even tried creating my own terms to encapsulate the essence of my arguments. If there’s one thing I am, it is passionate.

Regardless of the amount of times I cried and broke myself apart, and all the plans I cancelled and work I missed… I am grateful for the journey, and the writer I am becoming as a result of this thesis (and thank you to everyone who was so kind and patient with me during this time).


Despite multiple times begging and pleading my partner and my friends to not let me pursue a PhD or MA after this, I think hindsight has allowed me the space to see that perhaps I am capable of challenging myself further. Though it won’t be straight away… as I intend on taking my first ever gap year from study. In this time I’m hoping to pursue some publication avenues, both for my thesis and perhaps some creative works. But most of all I want to spend some time travelling, working and exploring what else the world has to offer. Presently I’m only making loose plans, but I think it’s time to seek an identity outside of academia and work. So wherever the path leads me, or wherever I choose to deviate from it, I cannot be more than a little scared, and ridiculously excited ❤

Until next time!


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